Teeth Whitening Penang is a common treatment for teeth discolouration caused by coffee, certain meals, smoking, and age. In fact, 351 dental professionals indicated teeth whitening as the most common cosmetic dentistry treatment in a 2015 study by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD).
While tooth whitening is generally safe and effective, the improper approach might cause lifelong harm. Using certain products or methods to whiten your teeth might cause harm such as:
- Sensitive gums
- Teeth etching
- Gummy grin
- Teeth seem darker after whitening
- Risk of tooth fracture
- Teeth absorb more stains than previously
- Enamel loss
For example, losing enamel causes teeth to become sensitive and darker. To prevent these concerns, use safe at-home tooth whitening products or see your dentist for professional whitening.
Learn how to safely whiten your teeth at home and when to see your dentist for a professional teeth whitening process.
Home Teeth Whitening Options
Everyone wants white teeth, but it’s important to prevent harming the enamel. There are several home teeth whitening solutions, some safer and more efficient than others. If you want to whiten your teeth without harming them, try these methods:
Baking Soda: While some say baking soda is excessively abrasive on teeth, dental experts determined it had an RDA rating of 7 on a scale of 0 to 269. The RDA level indicates how abrasive a material is on teeth. Baking soda may help erase stains from the surface of your teeth if you brush gently.
Strips: These at-home tooth whitening treatments adapt to your teeth’s contour. The American Dental Association (ADA) approved Crest 3D White White strips Glamorous White teeth whitening strips in June 2017. It’s the ADA’s first offering in this category.
Whitening toothpastes may lighten teeth by one or two shades due to modest amounts of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. Toothpastes may be abrasive, causing enamel degradation and dentin exposure over time. Whitening toothpaste usually contains no bleach.
Mouth rinses, like whitening toothpaste, may lighten teeth by one or two shades. They include bleaching agents like hydrogen peroxide. To observe a one or two shade improvement, rinse your mouth twice a day for 60 seconds each time.
Avoiding Natural Teeth Whitening
Remember, natural does not equate to harmless. Many DIY whitening treatments permanently harm tooth enamel. Avoid the following solutions:
Lemon and baking soda: This combination is found in certain home cleansers, but not on your teeth. Compared to grapefruit and orange juice, lemon juice is the most damaging to dental enamel. Lemon juice is quite acidic, with a pH of 2.2. It may whiten your teeth, but at a high expense.
Fresh strawberries are sometimes recommended for natural tooth whitening, although its potency comes from ascorbic acid. Fruits like strawberries are good for your teeth, but you must brush them with fluoride toothpaste after eating them.
Activated Charcoal: Anyone looking for a natural way to whiten teeth will immediately come across activated charcoal. Use a charcoal-based black concoction to spread over your teeth. This naturally occurring carbon works by binding with stains like wine, coffee, and plaque to eliminate them. But there are certain issues with activated charcoal. The ADA claims activated charcoal is abrasive enough to harm tooth enamel and is neither safe nor effective. Activated charcoal is also very absorbent, causing enamel erosion and tooth decay. Natural processes may erode away enamel and reveal the yellower, softer layers of teeth. If you still want to use activated charcoal, apply it as a paste to your teeth and do not scrape. Use it seldom. Instead, give it a couple of weeks to see whether it helps, then stop. Not advised for at-home tooth whitening.
Dentists advise against using a salt and vinegar paste to whiten teeth. Like lemon juice and strawberries, vinegar is very acidic, causing tooth damage, decay, and sensitivity.
Wood ash is a popular home cure for whitening teeth. This process uses lye or potassium hydroxide in wood ash. Brushing with wood ash is not only unpleasant, but it may harm your teeth owing to the lye’s hardness.
Daily Habits to Keep Teeth White
While there is no way to completely avoid dental discolouration due to age, your diet does have a factor in how white your teeth seem. Keep your pearly whites and avoid stains with these naturally brightening foods:
These meals are heavy in fibre and require a lot of chewing. Longer chewing produces more saliva to break down stains on teeth. Veggies high in fibre may also help remove surface stains.
Pineapple: A research published in the International Journal of Dental Hygiene demonstrated that bromelain, an anti-inflammatory and cleaning ingredient, successfully removes surface stains from teeth.
Dairy products help whiten teeth by boosting saliva production, which removes stains. This acid helps to eliminate surface stains from teeth.
Nuts and seeds are natural exfoliators. Their rough texture helps remove stains from teeth.
Onions contain sulphur molecules that assist prevent plaque buildup. Plaque absorbs stains, highlights them, and leads to gum disease.
Celery and carrots are rich in water and help clean between your teeth. Their design allows them to clean your teeth as you eat.
Whitening Teeth Tips
Eating the appropriate meals is important, but so is timing. Prevent stains from spaghetti sauce by eating a salad beforehand. Spinach and lettuce might act as a stain-repellent on your teeth. Dairy, celery, or almonds may help clean teeth and avoid surface discolouration after coffee or a stain-causing meal.
Of course, oral hygiene is vital. No diet or home remedy can replace brushing and flossing regularly to eliminate plaque and cavity-causing germs. After consuming a stain-causing meal or drink, brush or rinse your mouth. Use whitening toothpaste once or twice a week to avoid natural yellowing and surface stains.
Items that Discolor Teeth
While certain foods may help keep your teeth white, others may cause discoloration or damage them. To discover how to properly whiten your teeth, you must first understand what causes their discolouration. Start by avoiding or reducing certain meals and drinks. Some examples:
Tomatoes, oranges, and citrus fruits are healthful, but they degrade dentin.
Pasta Sauce and Tomatoes are acidic and discolour teeth. Pasta sauce sticks to teeth, increasing staining risk.
Aside from being high in antioxidants, berries like raspberries and blueberries stain easily whether eaten whole or as jelly. Having cheese or milk after berries may help counteract the acid.
Coffee: includes tannins, or acidic polyphenols, which stain teeth. Coffee’s acidity alters the pH balance in your tongue. Acidic meals might harm your teeth quicker if eaten after coffee.
Tea: Like coffee, tea has tannins that harm teeth. Black tea will yellow your teeth over time. Green tea, however, may discolour teeth. Adding milk to your tea might help it not stain.
Red Wine: The tannins in red wines like merlot, pinot noir, and cabernet may discolour your teeth.
However, white wines like chardonnay may darken existing stains by producing microscopic holes on the surface of your teeth that enable other stain-causing drinks to seep in.
Learn more: teeth whitening Penang
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