SEO experts

6 Tips For SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing is one of the most important aspects to optimize your website for search engines. This article will cover how to create SEO-friendly blog posts and articles that rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). It includes title, headline, meta description, keyword research, topic research, and more. 

The blog post should be relevant and informative while still being engaging. It’s also a good idea to include links back to your site or other sites you would like people to visit within the text of the article – this increases your chances of ranking higher on SERP listings. 

We recommend using these guidelines for every new blog post you publish so it ranks high in SERPs!

Tips For SEO Content Writing

Use keywords in your title

Writing content for your website is great, but if you want to rank high in search engines like Google and Bing, then you need to use keywords in the title of your blog post. 

For example, let’s say that I’m writing a blog post about how to fix dry skin. If I were to title my article “How To Fix Dry Skin” or “Top 10 Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Skin” (by including dry skin as one of the top 10 ways), it would make it easier for people searching for information on how to fix dry skin.”

Did you know that the first two words of your article’s title are the most important ones? Your readers won’t even bother to read your content if they can’t find what they’re looking for in less than 5 seconds!

To create a catchy and clever title, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Think about what your article is going to be about, and what your readers want to know.
  2. Use the keywords in your article’s title for maximum SEO value!
  3. Answer all of your readers’ questions in less than 100 words, so they don’t have to read any further.
  4. Make sure that you show them how to reach an answer on their own, in case they don’t trust your answer.
  5. Make sure you’ve answered all of their questions, or else they’ll think that you’re a quack!

Include a call to action in the post

Many SEO experts emphasize the importance of the proper placement of CTAs in order to improve user experience, which is in turn a ranking factor for Google.

 Also, Blog posts need to be SEO friendly for Google and other search engines to be able to index them properly. 

Another key factor in ranking high is user experience. This can be improved by including a call to action in each article you post on the blog. 

Calls to action are suggestions that prompt users into taking an intended action when they visit your webpage or blog  post. 

You can use calls to action for a variety of purposes, from increasing subscribers to encouraging shares on social media platforms.

Including a call to action in your articles is not difficult at all. All you need to do is come up with a reason why the user should take the suggested action. 

If you want them to sign up for a newsletter, write something like “sign up for our weekly newsletter to receive updates on the latest developments in the industry”.

You can also include a link or call to action at the end of your article. This is an effective strategy as it increases user engagement and allows you to have direct contact with them. 

If you’re using article spinning software, you can include a call to action at the end of every article.

Keep it short and informative

Some people go on and on trying to say more than is necessary just to sound smart. 

The reality of the matter, however, is that they either don’t remember all the points they want to make or feel as if they can be convinced by stating it in a longer manner rather than a shorter one.

Writing content for SEO has some very distinct differences from writing for some other purposes. 

To start with, you need to focus more on quality rather than quantity. Writing more will not help if the words are of little value. 

Including too much information is counterproductive because it makes it difficult to read and understand the content easily.

Instead, keep your content short and informative so that visitors to your website get what they want and your ranking remains high. 

Keep in mind that there is not a hard and fast rule about the number of words you need to use for search engine optimization content writing, but more than 600-800 words is definitely not recommended on most websites.

Write For Human Beings, Not Search Engines 

Why is it important to write for human beings?

Using proper spelling and grammar makes a huge difference in how your writing will be perceived by the reader. More importantly, however, it ensures that you are a professional who can communicate well. 

This is something people want/need on the web because they want/need to feel comfortable when doing business with you.

Writing exclusively in search engine optimized (SEO) language is not recommended because it comes across as unprofessional and potentially spammy. If you don’t know what I mean, take a look at this example:

I notice that you’re trying to promote your products on the Internet. Let me tell you about how to do that!

I notice that you’re trying to promote your products on the internet. Let me tell you about how we can help!

Which one would you rather write? Neither, right? When I see writing like the first example I’m suspicious/distrustful of that author because it seems like they are just trying to sell their stuff and don’t really care about me. The second example, on the other hand, seems like they want to help me and/or understand me (which is what I ultimately want in an author).

The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter how much you optimize your keywords, if users associate your writing with spammy behavior all of your SEO efforts will go to waste.

Add images, videos, and infographics to break up text-heavy posts

Imagine you’re scrolling through Facebook and coming across a post that’s absolutely loaded with text. 

You try to read it, but before you can get three sentences into the first paragraph, your thumb starts to cramp and you end up exiting out because it’s taking too long.

Now imagine you see an infographic about the same topic instead of those text-heavy paragraphs. 

You click on it and quickly scan it to see if there’s anything interesting you may have missed. 

After a few seconds, you close the tab because you don’t feel like reading about that topic today.

Now, which do you think more people will remember?

This is why adding images, videos, and infographics can help your business. It keeps people interested and captures their attention better than just text.


SEO content writing is the process of analyzing the content on your website and figuring out what you want to be saying. I hope you found this article useful in creating and understanding the basics of SEO-optimized content writing.